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About the meeting

We inform you, with a great pleasure, that the JSDB Online “Trial” meeting will be held on September 24-25, 2020.

To cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel the on-site meetings of the JSDB: the annual JSDB/APDBN meeting in Kumamoto and the bi-annual fall meeting in Sapporo. In the meanwhile, we sought for a new meeting platform to promote developmental biology in Japan and Asia-Pacific countries, and decided to hold the online meeting.

This “trial” meeting is aimed to find a way for facilitating academic exchanges between JSDB and ISDB members in the new normal. To this end, the meeting will be composed of oral presentations on the Zoom platform (symposia and short talks, including a special lecture by Dr. Masatoshi Takeichi) as well as round-table Discussion opportunities on the Remo platform (poster discussions and free discussions during lunch time). Any feedback from participants would be greatly appreciated.

More detailed program and practical information will be announced shortly.

We look forward to seeing you online.

Yours sincerely,

The meeting organizers:
IRIE, Naoki (University of Tokyo)
NAKAGAWA, Shinichi (Hokkaido University)
NAKAMURA, Akira (Kumamoto University)
SUGIMURA, Kaoru (Kyoto University)

About the meeting: 講演者
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