Posters are now available for viewing at the JSDB web abstract.
To avoid audio troubles, speakers are highly recommended to wear earphones or headphones.
Please download a guidebook for participants from the JSDB web abstract. ID and PWD were sent via mail on Sep 10th.
Special Lecture (Zoom)
Masatoshi Takeichi (RIKEN BDR)
Symposium (Zoom)
From collective cell behaviors to tissue morphogenesis
Stem-ness across plant and animal kingdoms ~their similarities and differences~
Genomic Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks Underlying Development, Regeneration, and Evolution
Developmental mechanisms underlying sexual reproduction
Short Talk (Zoom)
Selected speakers will present short talks (10 min including Q&A) in the Zoom platform. Speakers will also attend a poster session in an assigned Remo table for further discussion.
Poster Session (Remo)
A Remo table will be prepared for each presentation. During the poster session time, presenters will be fixed for their tables, and audience can freely move around tables for discussions.
Free Discussion (Remo)
Online tables for free discussions powered by Remo will be opened during lunch time.
Sep. 24th~Sep. 25th, 2020
September 24, 2020
Special Lecture (Zoom)
Short Talk (Zoom)
Free Discussion (Remo)
Poster Discussion (Remo)
Symposium (Zoom)
S1: From collective cell behaviors to tissue morphogenesis
S2: Stem-ness across plant and animal kingdoms ~their similarities and differences~
September 25, 2020
Day 2
Short talk (zoom)
Free Discussion (Remo)
Poster Discussion (Remo)
Symposium (Zoom)
S3: Genomic Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks Underlying Development, Regeneration, and Evolution
S4: Developmental mechanisms underlying sexual reproduction
Register either as a presenter or a participant.
Please send us the information required via e-mail if you cannot access a google form from China.
Students can get the JSDB membership for free for the first year if he/she attends the JSDB Online Trial Meeting 2020 (new application to the JSDB membership required).
Abstract submission
Deadline: July 20 (Mon), 2020
Only those who submitted an abstract in the 53rd JSDB annual meeting can give a presentation in the JSDB online trial meeting 2020. The abstract registered in the 53rd JSDB annual meeting is used in this meeting. Please refer to A guide to participants for the presentation formats.
Information required:
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. E-mail (will be used for the registration of Remo)
4. Presentation number in the 53rd JSDB annual meeting (e.g., S06-1, OP01-1, P001A; Check your presentation number here)
5. JSDB or APDBN membership number (If you are a non-member, invited speaker of the 53rd JSDB annual meeting, please enter non-member)
Deadline: July 31 (Fri), 2020
To register as a participant, you first need to obtain the JSDB membership from here:
Information required.
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. E-mail (will be used for the registration of Remo)
4. JSDB membership number (if you applied for the JSDB member ship, but not yet obtain the membership number, please enter 0)